Sustainability of iPhone 7 examined
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 12:09:41
The iPhone 7 was launched last month, causing controversy by ditching the traditional headphone socket and earning praise thanks to its waterproof design and bigger battery. In the wake of its release, various industry observers and recycling experts have been attempting to work out whether or not the new Apple handset is more eco-friendly than its predecessors, with conflicting conclusions being reached.
The absence of a headphone socket is seen as problematic by many because it is argued that this will encourage people to throw away existing peripherals and upgrade to ones which are compatible with the Lightning Port. The Green Alliance has been especially critical of this move, arguing that up to 7,000 tonnes of e-waste could be generated this year as a result of the change.
Recycling firm representative, James Rubin, told that he was concerned about the potential scale of the iPhone 7’s waste-generating impact, since even with sales down on last year’s iPhone 6S, it is still a hugely popular device which could sway trends in the wider market.
If more manufacturers follow suit, billions upon billions of headphones could be rendered redundant. And those who want to keep their current set will need to invest in an adapter, consuming even more resources in the process.
Apple may offer its own mobile recycling scheme, but it has yet launched a service aimed at helping its customers dispose of their unwanted headphones responsibly. While some believe that the innovative new design could be advantageous in the long run, the short term issues should not be overlooked.
The actual iPhone 7 itself is, arguably, the most sustainable, recyclable device Apple has ever produced. From its alloy chassis to its internal materials, every aspect has been designed to streamline the recycling process. It is simply a shame that the new device seems to have created as many problems as it has solved.
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