Recycle this Christmas
Monday, December 17, 2012 - 10:39:09
As Christmas approaches, most people will be focusing on making sure that they have all the presents they need and also stocking up on all the food and drink required to get us through the festive season.
There are a number of studies with conflicting information about how much money will be spent on average, but most concur that an adult can expect to spend about 500 this year, with household budgets sitting at around 1,000.
There are of course variables across the country, but the end result will be the same; the production of lots and lots of waste.
Local authorities around the UK are now promoting the message of recycling at the moment, in an effort to remind people that there is a better way of disposing of most unwanted items, than simply sending them to landfill.
You can recycle almost anything these days, from food waste and Christmas wrapping to fir trees and even old electronics.
If you are buying someone a new mobile phone or other gadget this year, why not remind them that they can often sell their old handset online or pass on a functional device to be used by another friend or member of the family.
Meanwhile, if you get a new phone under the tree on Christmas Day, why not find out how much your old handset is worth by comparing prices online and also do your bit for the environment, by recycling any unwanted packaging.
Christmas is a time for good will and family, but this should also remind us of the responsibility we bear to the rest of society. So remember to separate your rubbish, recycle as much household waste as possible and sell your old phone online, to get a little bit extra back this year.
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