Ovi Store growth boosts Nokia's outlook
Thursday, April 14, 2011 - 14:06:43
Finnish mobile manufacturer Nokia, has announced that its Ovi Store digital download service is being used by mobile fans around the world to access over five million pieces of content every day.
The Ovi Store is almost three years old and in the past 12 months it has begun to pick up speed to the point that in its 2011 form, it has eight times the amount of content that it did in 2010.
Nokia use its Conversations blog to announce that various new features will be coming to the Ovi Store, with the increasing likelihood of in-app payments arriving in the coming months being implied in its post.
This time last year there were roughly one million daily downloads made from the Ovi Store to Nokia smartphones based on the Symbian platform, but the manufacturer is now dealing with five times this activity, according to industry analyst, Josh Martin.
In 2011 it is expected that 150 million Nokia mobiles with Ovi Store access will be sold worldwide, which means that it is easily on track to see more than two billion downloads made from the store before the year is over.
Although critics have been less than charitable in their response to Nokia's recently revamped Symbian platform, it is clear that amongst consumers there is still a lot of interest in the affordable handsets which use it.
The Ovi Store could get a further commercial boost if developers are able to make a bit of revenue from in-app advertising and payments, which will allow them to distribute their wares for free or at a low price to the user, without reducing the quality or extent of the content.
Nokia is likely to let the Ovi Store live on even as it moves towards supporting Windows Phone 7 rather than Symbian later in the year.
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