O2 mobile recycling scheme picks up momentum
Monday, November 25, 2013 - 13:52:56
Late last week, O2 announced that its mobile phone recycling scheme has continued to grow, with the introduction of the Refresh tariff helping to increase trade-in rates by 30 per cent in October, according to Mobile News.
In 2013 over £24 million has been paid out by the network provider for old, unwanted handsets, bringing the total paid back over the lifetime of the scheme to more than £62 million.
O2 introduced the Refresh tariff to encourage people to update their phones before the end of a contract, which obviously results in more used devices entering the marketplace. But by also offering to buy these back from users, O2 is helping to reduce its impact on the environment and also give customers some cash in exchange for their perfectly serviceable handsets.
O2 Recycle first went live back in 2009, with spokesperson, Bill Eyres, revealing this month that the provider has been making efforts to integrate recycling in with the sales process. This means that customers are not only more likely to take advantage of it, but are also simply aware that the option to do so exists.
By making mobile phone recycling a mainstream proposition, consumers are put in a position of power, because they can compare prices from various recyclers online and get the best possible deal when parting ways with their old phone.
A growing number of retailers and mobile networks are latching onto the benefits of recycling, encouraging customers to do the right thing with unwanted devices.
This means that the market is increasingly competitive, which is good for the consumer because recycling companies are compelled to offer you that little bit more money for your phone, rather than leaving you with no option but to take the basic package.
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