Nokia continues global recycling campaign
Monday, April 9, 2012 - 10:21:23
Nokia is one of the world's greenest technology companies, regularly receiving independent plaudits for its work towards making the various aspects of its business more environmentally sustainable.
It runs a number of mobile phone recycling schemes across the globe and is particularly focused on countries where there is relatively limited availability of this type of service.
While the UK's market is replete with mobile phone recycling companies, which makes comparing prices all the more important, some emerging markets do not benefit from the same state of affairs and so users are often forced to simply ditch their old handsets by disposing of them improperly, which can be damaging to the ecosystem.
Nokia has recently confirmed that it will be extending its work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by continuing its existing partnership with a local environmental organisation, in order to recoup any unwanted mobile phones from people living in the region.
Nokia began its Take Back initiative in the UAE three years ago and by the end of 2011 it had collected many mobile phones from most of the major brands, which encouraged collaborators at the Emirate Environmental Group (EEG), that its recycling work was worth continuing.
EEG spokesperson, Habiba Al Marashi, said that the group was well aware of Nokia's environmentally friendly credentials and so would be aiding it in the dissemination of the mobile recycling message.
Nokia and the EEG will be targeting educational institutions to help encourage more people to recycle old mobile phones and become involved in wider initiatives to aid improvements to the environment.
Nokia spokesperson, Ulrike Vott, said that the company was attempting to build a society which was innately linked with the ideals behind recycling, so that properly disposing of old mobile phones will become second nature.
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