Mobile phone recycling helps schools raise thousands
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - 10:27:58
A number of schools in Yorkshire have managed to raise over £2,500, thanks to a recycling campaign which saw pupils collecting old mobile phones, according to the Telegraph and Argus.
The students managed to round up in excess of 1,000 handsets from parents, family members and friends, to generate the cash. And since even very outdated or broken devices can be recycled for cash, there is value to be gleaned from almost any donated mobile phone.
Schools work with the Mobile Phone Recycling Organisation, a Yorkshire-based business, which helped to convert the unwanted handsets into cash, that is being pumped back into educational institutions, as well as a number of selected charities.
Pupils were encouraged to collect as many mobile phones as possible, thanks to the use of a league table system, showing which school was making the best effort to help motivate others to catch up with them.
In addition to the money raised from recycling old mobile phones, the school which harvested the most handsets over the course of the campaign received £1,000, to put towards its own activities.
Plenty of schools across the UK have begun to embrace mobile phone recycling as a means of raising money. Since most households have at least one old handset sitting in a drawer somewhere, there is a rich vein to be tapped by encouraging collection.
Individuals who decide to sell their phone online can, of course, have the chance to give the cash to charity or use it to treat their own kids if they wish. So, whether you decide to donate it directly to a good cause or use the money in your own way, there is now every reason to take advantage of online mobile phone recycling services in the UK.
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