Instant mobile recycling trialled
Monday, January 16, 2012 - 13:05:19
A new machine designed to recycling mobile phones and instantly provide the donator with some cash for their trouble, has been created in the US.
It has the catchy and appropriate name of the EcoATM and is not just designed for mobile phones but a whole range of electronic devices, from iPads to MP3 players.
At first the EcoATM system will only be available in California, but the company behind it is preparing to expand into other states and potentially cross international boundaries, in its search for new users.
You do not need to tell the machine what type of gadget you are depositing. All you need to do is put your old mobile phone on a special tray and then photographic equipment within the EcoATM will analyse it, work out which model you are recycling and then tell you how much cash you can get on the spot.
There are more than 4,000 different mobile phones and other gadgets which can be recycled at each EcoATM. The machine can even tell you whether or not your handset is electronically sound by encouraging you to plug in a cable, thus guaranteeing that you will get the most amount of money for your old mobile.
The machine is essentially a mobile price comparison machine, because it pulls in lots of different prices which are being offered for your handset and then gives you the best deal, converting this into cash, which is dispensed as if it were a standard ATM.
This scheme could be one way of interacting with consumers who are less comfortable with the idea of selling their old mobile phone online, although it ultimately uses the same channels. There is no word on the security measures offered by the EcoATM, but you would hope that they are strong enough to prevent thieves from exploiting its cash-spitting capabilities with stolen handsets.
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