Data theft still an issue on recycled smartphones
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 19:06:01
A security expert has spoken out about the fact that many people have their personal data stolen by criminal gangs, who deliberately buy up old smartphones in order to extract the information which they still contain.
BlackBelt executive, Ken Garner, told Mobile News, that his company has detected growing levels of data theft from recycled and stolen devices in the past few months, leading to fears that criminals are stepping up their efforts to harvest information.
Many people part ways with their mobile device without realising that it may still contain private data, that could lead to identity theft and other types of fraud.
Mr Garner said that those who sell their smartphones via online auction services are at the most risk, since they may not have the necessary experience to properly erase personal information before they send the old device off to a new owner.
The more secure option is to send a mobile phone to a reputable recycling company, where it should be securely handed and undergo thorough data deletion, to ensure that data does not slip into the wrong hands.
Mr Garner pointed out that some recycling companies have not got a perfect track record and devices with lots of personal user information can end up resold in emerging markets on the other side of the world, which means complacency on the part of users should not be encouraged.
As well as performing a full factory reset on a smartphone before you send it off to be recycled, it is also sensible to remove any memory cards which you may have added to the device, since these can easily be accessed and will let you lower the chances of data theft, without impacting upon the value of the phone itself.
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