Businesses encouraged to go green with mobile recycling
Monday, December 5, 2011 - 12:28:14
Companies and corporations of all sizes could help do their bit for the environment and improve their green credentials if they look into recycling old mobile phones once an upgrade has been rolled out to employees.
This is according to a leading campaigner for Greenpeace, Tom Dowdall, who spoke recently about the benefits of making mobile recycling and the proper disposal of all electronic waste a key component of any business strategy.
Firms that do recycle their outdated handsets will clearly benefit from an improved reputation as a company which thinks about environmental issues. However, Mr Dowdall was keen to express the fact that the green factor need not be the only driving force in increasing mobile recycling.
He said that there are various other benefits, including economic reimbursement and commercial advantage, to be gained by recycling old phones in the business world.
Many firms are constantly attempting to strengthen the image of their brand and reinforce certain ideologies with which their name is associated, which Mr Dowdall believes can be easily achieved via campaigns to recycle old handsets and other unused electronics.
Because the emergence of smartphones and their popularity as a tool for productivity and remote working is causing many companies to ditch older models, as they invest in wide upgrade programs, the number of decommissioned mobiles is growing.
Businesses which want to offset the carbon footprint of the upgrade process, get some cash back for their ageing technology and improve the public perception of their brand, are encouraged to consider mobile recycling by experts such as Nicholas Rope, the man who helps to organise the annual Internet Week Europe event.
Everyone can help by encouraging their employers to seek out environmentally friendly ways to dispose of old technology and also by recycling their handsets as they get newer replacements.
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