Apple unveils latest mobile recycling robot
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 11:47:30
A few years ago Apple upped its eco-friendly game by debuting an automated machine that could tear down old iPhones and recover the precious materials they contain. Named Liam, this device helped to raise awareness about the importance of mobile recycling.
Last week the Californian firm took another step towards improving the sustainability of its operations with an all-new recycling robot called Daisy. And perhaps unsurprisingly, this updated model is actually built using some parts cannibalised from Liam.
Daisy is programmed to disassemble nine of the earlier generations of the iPhone and can churn through 200 different handsets over the course of 60 minutes.
Each of the components that it pulls off the old phones that it handles is placed in a different container, which makes it easier to deal with the various metals that can be recovered and reused in the manufacturing of yet more iPhones.
Until the end of this month Apple is also operating a scheme called GiveBack, via which customers can return their old iPhones to it for recycling, safe in the knowledge that the firm will also be making a charitable contribution to an organisation that targets environmental issues.
Apple’s green ambitions have pushed it to switch all of its offices, factories and data centres over to renewable energy, rather than relying on power which is derived from fossil fuels. It is planning to continue adapting the designs of its handsets so that they are easier to recycle and less damaging to the Earth’s ecosystem.
Of course, selling an old phone direct to Apple is not the only option, as customers can often get a better price by comparing the various recycling operators that are available. This allows consumers to be eco-friendly, cost-conscious and efficient in their own right.
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